Class I Organizes Special Christmas Assembly
To spread the message of love and good cheer, the children of classes IA, IB and IC of Delhi Public School, Srinagar presented a spectacular assembly on 22/11/2017 on the theme of Christmas. The students through the assembly made the audience discover the country Russia along with its food, craft and festivals under the ISA project.
The programme commenced with the prayer and the news headlines by Zuhaib of class I A. The Christmas Scene was enacted and a vibrant choir group sang a carol relating to the events of the birth of Christ. The children who enacted the roles took their positions in the beautifully done up manger. The children in their bright and elaborate costumes were a delight to watch. Another carol on the ‘Silent Nights’ followed wherein the children sang melodiously and it sounded as angels had truly descended on earth. The message of love was further described in the panel show about the significance and spirit of Christmas and the emphasis of Christ in all the celebrations. All the kids charmed one and all with their performances. The students of class I C took us through the history of Russian art and craft presenting the Envelope Matryoska Dolls and pen Holders and the like.
The jingle bells song complete with a jig got the entire audience singing along. The jingle style dance to which the girls of class I A danced to perfection enthralled the audience with their rhythm and perfect coordination. The shimmering dresses added more beauty to the little girls and saw the grand entry of the little Santa Claus with his gifts in the red glittering bag waving and distributing candies to everyone’s delight. The entry of Santa Claus took everyone by surprise and was the highlight of the event.
The lawn area of Tiny Tots looked gorgeous with balloons, stars, bells, tinsel and a gigantic Christmas tree. The entry of Santa Claus took everyone by surprise and was the highlight of the event.
All in all, it was a fascinating and enjoyable Christmas Celebration.