Picnic (III & IV)
”Just the word ‘picnic’ brings a cheer and smile to the face of students.”
Today, the school arranged a picnic for class 3 & 4. It was a day full of fun and frolic. All the students were excited and in a good mood. The students were happy as they had a day different from routine to cheer them up in the lap of mother nature. The main aim of the outdoor trip was to encourage students to explore and engage in stimulating activity outdoors that fosters an enjoyment of learning. The other objective of this outing was to develop an appreciation of the natural world, social skills, sense of camaraderie and an urge to love the life to the fullest. Three parent doctors also accompanied the children to the trip and they were of great help.
Altogether, it was a frisky day to add to the memories.
”We don’t remember days, we remember moments.”