Effective strategies for teaching students with Dyslexia
- Make personalized books and stories with the students name and photos.
- Increase print awareness by asking your student to look for everything he/she can find with writing (i.e. McDonald’s sign, labels, and packages).
- Provide multisensory experiences for students related to each book that they read, such as using stories and coloring pages.
- Choose rhyming books with high repetition of words and phrases.
- Allow extra time to complete the task.
- Planning for differentiated instructions
- Topic specific vocabulary
- Teaching spelling rules explicitly
- Labeling and constructing diagrams
- Give “THINK TIME” before answering a question.
- Give manipulatives (things to touch and move around) whenever possible to work on math related to time, money or fractions.
- Colour coded timetable.
- Short sentences and visuals
- Mind mapping