Interaction Guidelines – LKG Admissions Session 2022

Safety Instructions:

  • Parents and the child will undergo temperature and symptom screening upon arrival, perform hand hygiene and enter through sanitisation tunnel.
  • Please be especially attentive to wearing a mask over your nose and mouth.
  • Parents and children who are sick will not be permitted to enter the School; this is without exception.
  • If parents do not pass the screening process or does not follow protocols, they will not be allowed to enter the school campus. 
  • Physical distancing of at least one meter to be followed at all times.
  • Use of face covers/masks is mandatory.
  • Practice frequent hand washing (for at least 40-60 seconds) even when hands are not visibly dirty and use of alcohol based hand sanitizers (for at least 20 seconds).
  • Respiratory etiquettes to be strictly followed. This involves strict practice of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly.

General Instructions:

  • No eatables are allowed inside school premises.
  • Presence of both parents is mandatory.
  • Interaction does not guarantee the admission.
  • Keep handy the SMS/Email received for Interaction with date/time.
  • Date of Birth Certificate (Original) issued by the Municipal Corporation or any other authorized competent authority needs to be submitted for verification at the time of interaction. Failure to produce Original Valid DOB Certificate will lead to rejection of application and will not be allowed to sit for interaction.
  • Parents accompanying the child will be allowed to enter the school campus only 5 minutes prior to their interaction time.
  • No person(s) will be allowed to accompany the child except the parents at the time of interaction.

In case of any queries write to us on or Call us at our Admissions Helpline Number +91 9622771144 (during office hours).