100% Results in CBSE Class X & XII Exams
Proving its credentials as one among equals in the field of quality education, Delhi Public School Athwajan Srinagar achieved a 100% success rate in the Class X & XII results declared by CBSE. It reaffirms once again the huge investment of time and sustained effort the school makes to foster quality education. Under the able stewardship of its Principal, and the expert guidance of its dedicated faculty & management, the school has conquered yet another milestone in its decade long journey. Congratulating the students on the occasion, the Principal expressed her delight at this remarkable success. “Our students have proven they are second to none, and no adversity, no hurdles can stop their march to success”, she said. The Chairman Mr Vijay Dhar also expressed his joy and extended his hearty congratulations to both teachers and students for their unbridled success.
Our 10 students have achieved Grade Point 10 out of 10, while as 180 (68%) students out of 265 have got grade point between 7 to 10 in CBSE Class X examination.
In CBSE Class XII examination, a total of 244 students appeared, out of which 187 (~77%) students have scored between 70% to 100%.