Investiture Ceremony 2014
“I promise:
to represent and serve my fellow students, to set an example in all aspects of school life, to adopt an active leadership role within the school, to encourage the extension of school spirit and love, to carry on my duties loyally and efficiently, to use the authority I’ve been given firmly, fairly and wisely, to be fully committed to all that the school stands for and strives to achieve. I solemnly believe in the motive of my school “SERVICE BEFORE SELF”.”
This oath was taken by the Student Council of Delhi Public School, Srinagar on the INVESTITURE CEREMONY held on 17th May 2014.
The event started with the recitation of the school prayer by the students and staff. It was followed by the distribution of the badges and the sashes to the Head Boy; Hazik Zargar XII C2, Head Girl; Zahida Ishaq XII B1, Vice Head Boy; Shahid Murtaza XI B2 and the Vice Head Girl; Ifrah Wani XI B2. This was followed by the felicitation of the school Electoral Committee (Ms. Shaista, Ms. Monisa, Mr. Fayaz Ah. Bhat, Ms. Arjumand Khurshid, Ms. Rita Bakaya, Ms. Rubeena, Mr. Firdaus, Mr. Iftikhaar, Mr. Latief, Ms. Fazeelat and Mr. Umer) by Mr. Vijay Dhar and principal Mrs. Kusam Warikoo, the Election Commissioner Mr. Umerwho executed the whole process smoothly throughout the school The house wardens and the deputy house wardens were honoured by Ms. Rabia and Ms. Shafaq. The respective house captains and the sports captains were given their respective positions and badges by their house wardens. Simultaneously, the class representatives were also given their badges by their respective Departmental Incharges.
The event wound up with the recitation of a beautiful song written by Mr. Abdul Ahad Azad and performed by the Music Departmrnt.
“Waloo ha bagwaano, baharuk shaan peda kar,
Phalanx gul gath kar bul-bul, tethei samaan peda kar.”
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