Aftaab Zaar 2022
Dear readers,
Greetings and good wishes!
It gives us immense pleasure to announce that after several months of hard work and creativity we are ready with a new issue of the quarterly school magazine, Aftab Zaar. The name, no doubt feels familiar to all the old-timers of our beloved institution who have witnessed many summers and winters in the school.
It is a moment of great joy and contentment for us as we have successfully revived Aftab _Zaar which was in a state of hiatus due to multiple reasons for some time.
We have tried our best to live up to the expectations of our dear readers in maintaining the legacy of the magazine and also added some fresh creative ideas for the new readers. We believe that Aftab Zaar will receive the same love and affection from the readers that it has been getting and all of us together are able to make it the best school magazine of the valley.
Happy reading!
Editorial board
DPS, Srinagar