Author’s meet held in school
Being well aware of the fact that the kids have become used to the home comfort zone, it is challenging for them initially to go back to school and cope up with the curriculum. Therefore, the library decided to go with a different vibe than previous years thereby making different arrangements. Also the library had been setup in a great grandeur.
We selected the theme “Author’s Meet”, where two students (Asma and Ibaad) played the role of eminent author’s JK Rowling and Charles Dickens as they came together on the same platform and got to interact with each other.
The discussion initiated with anchors (Anna and Afreen) introducing the guests briefly. The anchors were dressed up similar to the famous characters from the books of these authors. They concentrated on the key points to be taken care of by the participating audience.
The session started with the audience posing questions to the authors with lot of zeal and enthusiasm. While tricky questions were being posed to both the authors, the latter on the other hand answered their questions in the best possible manner as they could. However, Ibaad who represented Charles Dickens came off as idealistic and seemed more knowledgeable, and was therefore declared the winner as the audience repeatedly cheered for him nonetheless. Both of them were equally strong with humor and sarcasm for each other’s works.
Some questions were posed that included political issues, about their personal lives/choices, about the characters in their books, differences they felt between the books and movies, putting them in particular situations using “What If?”, to which they did justice.
There was a rebuttal from the audience to test the authors further. Hence the intelligent and lively expression of points and counterpoints by the speakers charged the atmosphere.
The session ended with the vote of thanks and valuable speech of Vice Principal where in her speech she gave much importance to the need for arranging such activities and appreciated the children for their laudable performance.