Diplomats from the Embassy of France visit school
Mr. Emmanuel Lebrun – DAMIENS and Dr. Nicolas Gheradi – Deputy Counsellors for Education , Science and Culture from Embassy of France, New Delhi visited the school on October 29, 2021. Accompanied by the Pro-Vice Chairman of School Mr Vijay Dhar, Vice-Principal Shafaq Afshan, they visited the various labs of the school including the State of Art English Lab established in corroboration with Encyclopaedia Britannica. He also visited the ATL lab funded by NITI Ayog to encourage students to develop an interest in STEM and the internet of things. He was also taken on a guided tour of the Satya Devi Resource Centre for Blind, as well as its parent department – Learning Resource Centre that caters to students with various learning and physical disabilities. Students from Class XI and XII also had an interactive session with them. The Diplomats expressed their delight at the impressive infrastructure of the school, which places it in the same league as the best schools of the country, especially considering that the school is only eighteen years old.
Thank you for such a warm welcome by the whole team and the students. We share the same conviction that more should be done to promote cultural cooperation and progress for these brilliant young minds. We look forward to working with you to make this possible.