Dipsites shine in Open School Examination
Open School- A ray of hope for the students who believe in ‘I can’t learn the way you teach, can you teach me the way I learn’.
Education in today’s world has changed the definition of regular schooling. It has opened new windows for students who find it hard to cope with the regular school. Earlier such students’ development got arrested or they were not allowed to be in the school premises but today to overcome these loop holes, education has given birth to a new system; perhaps not quite famous with the schools and parents but a new ray of hope in transforming lives. Open school is that kind of schooling in which a candidate can qualify his particular class in five years. The school management took an initiative to introduce open schooling for the students with the special needs. In the year 2013, the SEN department introduced National Institute of Open School (NIOS) to the parents of those students who have special needs through a PowerPoint Presentation. Three parents opted to register their wards in the NIOS- namely Arsalan Ali for class 10th, Ayan Parvaz and Yawar Abbas for class 8th. School provided full support to these students as far as the teaching learning process was concerned. First achievement which the school has achieved in the month of June 2014 is that two of our students have successfully qualified their 8th grade examinations in one go with all the five subjects. The school wishes them a beautiful and bright future ahead.