Grade 1 Music Competition Showcases Young Talent and Fosters Social Skills Development
A music competition for grade 1 was held by the department of music in the auditorium, at 1pm. The session aimed to discover talents and promote musical abilities. All the nine section of grade 1 participated in the competition. Ms Harmeet being host of the program, ensured smooth running of the program and helped the teams coordinate. As soon the competition started ,the teams encouraged each other. All the teams were super excited for the competition. The teams were called section wise and all performed incredibly. It was a day to remember, full of remarkable performances and talented singers. Soon the winning teams were announced by Ms Radifa. 1st I got the first prize, 1st H was the second runner up and 1st D was the third runner up team in the competition. I would like to thank the authorities for conducting such marvelous competition. Such competitions help children develop social skills such as teamwork, empathy and cooperation. As they rehearse in groups or bands, they learn to collaborate, listen, and understand others.