Inter Cultural Learning Workshop
Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. A group of 24 teachers attended an ICL LEVEL-W Training conducted by AFS, India at our school on 25th March, 2016.
The trainer Mr. Najamu Zaman (Executive Board Member AFS) conducted the training. The training provided an opportunity to the teachers to understand Inter-Cultural Learning. They understood the importance of cultural diversity in the present scenario and were able to develop skills on inter cultural experiences. The six hour long training helped the teachers to get accustomed to cross cultural learning. Lots of activities were conducted during the session and proved to be very and fruitful and beneficial.
The session revolved around the journey to various countries to understand the culture of different countries through various activities. The session was very healthy and interactive. The emphasis was on how our work in AFS is rooted in cultural diversity. Whether we are staff, programme participants, host or natural families, teachers, or in other ways connected to AFS, we are often surrounded by people, values and languages from not only one but many different cultures. In our efforts to act and respond appropriately when interacting with people from other cultures. It is necessary that we understand the existence of and difference between cultural stereotypes and cultural generalizations. The workshop has been of great help to teachers in understanding the patterns of cultures to which one belongs (nation, age gender, etc) provides the basis for understanding other cultures and their sub or co cultures.