Investiture ceremony held for the elected representatives of the student council
On the breezy morning of 5th May 2017, the chosen representatives of our school along with the teachers had assembled in the school indoor stadium to attend the investiture ceremony of 2017. The day was kick-started by heartfelt greetings to one and all present there including Madam Kiran Dhar and Madam Kusam Warikoo, our Principal. The event commenced with the school song sung by the students of the choir group and assisted by the music faculty. Then the felicitation ceremony began and all the chosen representatives of the student council were given their respective badges. All the representatives were received with a huge round of applause and the badges were pinned right on their uniforms to be worn proudly by them. After this the Principal was called up on the stage to address the audience. She shared some valuable words with all and inspired the children to be well behaved. She also congratulated the chosen representatives and advised them to be true to their duties. Then she awarded the head boy, head girl, vice head-boy and vice head-girl of our school with their respective badges which they received with immense pride and pleasure. Right after this the ceremony moved towards its final step which was the oath taking ceremony. The audience, including the students as well as teachers, stood up in reverence and raised their hands while taking an oath on always being fair and just with their given responsibilities towards the school and others. This was followed by the thank you speeches of all the elected heads, who one by one spoke eloquently and put forth their strong inspiring messages for the students. The ceremony was concluded by the anchors of the event who thanked all those present there for their participation in the event and also thanked the Principal for her encouraging presence. The student representatives were seen leaving the hall with bright smiles on their faces while they carried their badges proudly pinned on their uniforms.