Language Exhibition VI-VIII

Language Exhibition VI-VIII


“Language is an anonymous, collective and unconscious ART; the result of the creativity of thousands of generations.

A Language Exhibition was held on 27th June, 2014. Students had set up stalls depicting different Languages like Urdu, English, Kashmiri, Hindi and Arabic.

The programme was thrown open by a welcome speech (Kashmiri) followed by a dance performance. Students exhibited beautifully crafted book-covers, bookmarks, class magazines, collages, newsletters, hieku trees, phrases, vocabulary, self written poems, short stories, etc. They also sang Jingles passing beautiful messages. Different games were also kept available for others to play like scrabble, puzzles, etc. Scenes were performed from famous plays like Othello, Hamlet, Merchant of Venice (English), Shiekh Chilli (Urdu), Andher Nagri Chaupat Raja (Hindi). Many of them also enacted as famous writers like  Stephny Mayor, Sarojini Naidu, J.K.Rowling, Ruskin Bond, Charlotte Bronte, etc.Different antiques depicting the culture of Kashmir Valley were also exhibited by students wearing traditional dresses. They also recited beautiful poetry in the Musshaira.

The work of the students was highly appreciated by the Pro. Vice Chairman Mr. Vijay Dhar, the Administrator Ms. Poonam Bhan, the incharges of all the wings, the staff and their peers.

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