MUN (Model United Nations) workshop conducted in DPS, Srinagar
A workshop of Model United Nations (MUN) was organized by our school which spread over three days i.e. 19th, 20th and 21st June, 2017. For the workshop, Mr. Saket Jha, from Delhi University, was invited as the resource person and MUN trainer. MUN is an educational simulation of the United Nations in which students learn about the functioning of the UN, diplomacy and international relations. It involves and teaches researching, debating, public speaking, writing skills, critical thinking, besides team work and leadership abilities. 65 students and 2 teachers from classes IX to XII participated in it.
The work shop commenced with the introduction of the resource person and the concept and objective of MUN workshop. Mr. Saket Jha discussed the functioning of the UN and various related terms like agenda, draft resolution and motions like moderated caucus and unmoderated caucus, sponsors and signatories. He pointed out the roles students could choose in MUN like being delegates, media persons, photographers, cartoonists, conference staff and observers. The format of the draft resolution and the essential requirements of a strong draft resolution were discussed. A role-play was also done where students got to play the roles of delegates of various countries, media personnel, cartoonists and chit passers. It was explained to them how to carry out their responsibilities and as delegates they were allowed to represent different countries and present their Draft Resolutions to the committee which was chaired by the resource person. All processes, including questioning and answering, were practiced.
The resource person intermittently explained the delegates about the methods of researching and presenting their view points to the committee. It was observed that the students had the ability to speak well but they were short on research work with regard to their drafts. The resource person explained the short comings to the students and the ways to overcome them.
The work shop was a memorable experience for all the participants especially the students as it helped them to understand the working of the UN. It also provided an insight of International Relations and the roles various countries play in the development of international affairs.
The work-shop was concluded by the vote of thanks presented by Babar-the best delegate of the committee. The principal of the school, Mr. Bala Subremanian Murali, awarded the certificates to the staff and the students present in the workshop.