Session with Nitin Desai
Session with Mr. Nitin Desai on 12th June-2015
It was a great privilege to have Mr. Nitin Desai, an economist and an international civil servant in our school on 12th June 2015. Mr. Nitin Desai studied at London school of economics and went to work in UN. He was under-secretary General for Economic and Social affairs of the UN from 1992 to 2003. He interacted with the students and talked about the career planning in today’s world. He talked about how the educational needs have changed over the decade. While talking on the same topic, he rightly said that “Parents must understand that children can do good if they are given the freedom to do what they want.”He talked about the admissions in UK and the US. An interaction followed the speech in which the students asked various questions.When asked about the one thing that differentiates your application from others and makes it impressive,he said it is, “ the co-curricular activities”. According to him one should be able to write good essays too in order to get admission in any reputed college. He was very precise and efficacious and indeed despoiled the students of their doubts regarding their future projections. The session as proved to be as interesting as edifying as ever.