Tech Know 2016
Day 01
TechKnow, largest tech event for schools organised by, Cyber Crew, computer club of our school was thrown open today on 22 may, 2016. The tech event aims at providing a clear view of the opportunities and challenges of an increasingly connected world to students.
The vent began with the welcome speech of Janan Kazmi who welcomed the participating schools and Hamza Ibrahim briefed the students about the eight different workshops to be conducted in two days of workshop. Glimpses of previous techno events were shown to the participating schools. The beautiful skit on cyber world was played by our theatre club students who beautifully showcased their talent highlighting the cyber world.
For students interested in tech, these kinds of events are an excellent way to get up to speed on the latest developments, find great new services, and get hands on training in one of the areas of his/her interest — plus, you never know how social connections will be established.
Day 1 of the event was attended by energetic and enthusiastic students from more than 28 leading schools from all over the state. Around 400 students from Classes 6th to 12th were imparted hands-on training in 8 different areas of technology consisting of Graphic Designing, Web Designing, Video Editing & Animation, PHP Programming, Internet of Things & Networking, Hybrid Mobile Dev, Basic Programming and Ethical Hacking.
The event workshops were conducted by Cyber Crew members with their insatiable desire of learning by sharing with similar minds.
The event started with screening of 45-minute documentary on the Future of Technology. This was followed by day long workshops. Graphics & Video editing lab was a huge rush among the tech savvy students. Students were introduced to layout and vector art application, CorelDraw; photo retouching and bitmap image editing software, PhotoShop & video editing and special effects softwares, Pinnacle Studio & Adobe After Effects.
Web designing workshop was another attraction in the event. Students were curious to get hands-on training on the hottest technology of today and the technology to rule our lives in future. Touseef & Azeen, Grade 10th student, conducted the web designing workshop which covered industry best practices in designing and developing professional websites and web apps. Students were introduced to standards complaint HTML & CSS.
Graphics workshop was conducted by Sadiya and Amaan, IoT workshop was conducted by Waqar & Hyder, Hybrid App Development workshop was conducted by Basar, Ethical Hacking workshop was conducted by Mufti Arfan & Adnan Simanani, Video Editing workshop was conducted by Abrar & Hamzah, Learn to Code workshop was conducted by Dawar and PHP Workshop for accompanying teachers was conducted my Mr. Mehraj.
The event will continue till Monday 23 May, 2016.
Day 02
The two days tech event TechKnow 2016 was an unqualified success, and recorded a massive level of activity and interest. The participants were provided training in specially designed workshops held on eight different technologies which include Graphic Designing, Web Designing, Video Editing & Animation, PHP Programming, Internet of Things & Networking, Hybrid Mobile Dev, Basic Programming and Ethical Hacking. The workshops received unanimous appreciation and approval by the participants from different schools of valley. Each workshop was perceived to be the right blend of fun and learning. The role of the school was highly commended by the visiting school students and accompanying teachers.
The event ended on a positive note with an open invitation from Cyber Crew to all schools for any guidance in starting such types of activities at their respective schools. In order to reach out the less privileged students of our society, Cyber Crew is planning few outdoor workshops at various schools under its outreach programme. This was announced by the president of Cyber Crew. We want to reach out to students who can’t afford to come over here. We will conduct workshops at their places to equip them with the technology said the member.
A quiz on technology was held and much to the delight of tech-savvy students goodies were given to winners. The 2-day event ended with students keen to extend this initiative to their schools.
Muazam and Arfan briefed the audience about the journey of TechKnow from last four years.
Esha Malhotara hosted the event.
Theatre club of our school performed a street play on cyber crimes under the guidance of Mr. Sajid Reshi.
Waheed ur Rehman Parra the youth president of PDP in his speech to audience said I am happy to see and congratulate DPS Athwajan for conducting such IT workshops, which benefit the visiting students. He also said I was extremely happy to see so many schools from other districts of valley participating in the event. Mr. Waheed gave away the participation certificates to the participants.
Khurram Shafi a well known entrepreneur of district Shopian in his address to the audience said I was happy to see enthusiastic students very eager to learn about latest technologies which they can implement in any field of their interest. He also said I could see the future entrepreneurs in you.
This two day event should have been for a week. We look forward to attend such sessions more often at DPS were some of the comments given by the participating school students.
The programme concluded with the Vote of Thanks by Principal Kusam Warikoo.