Tiny tots visits fruit orchard at Chattergam
While our kids have seen fruits in markets and stores, visiting a fruit orchard is a great experience for them. Coming out of classroom education, students of Tiny Tots Wing were taken to a Fruit Orchard located at Chattergam, Budgam for a visit on 22 and 23 August, 2017. It was fun to visit the fruit orchard as the kids enjoyed being present among the trees. The children enjoyed the wonder of nature and fruit grows.
Children were excited to visit the orchard, observing a variety of fruits and feeling their textures too. Exotic fruits such as apple, pear, figs, cherries, grapes etc. were also available in the orchard and children were excited to see them. Kids learned the importance of fruits in regular diets.
The sight was unforgettable as the lush green and red apple trees weighed down by the weight of fruit were amazing and kids learnt about the soil, climate needed for a good harvest. The children also saw a Vermi-Compost section and teachers told them that it is an excellent, nutrient rich organic fertilizer.
It was an interesting and informative learning experience for the children.