Trekking Camp
A 3 days and 2 nights Trekking Camp from 2nd to 4th June, 2014 was organized by Delhi Public School, Srinagar in collaboration with Indian Institute of Skiing and Mountaineering (IISM), Gulmarg. 78 students (60 boys+ 18 girls) of class- 3 participated in the camp along with the following teachers:
- Mr. Tajinder ( Trekking Instructor)
- Mr. Syed Ulfat ( Group Incharge)
- Ms. Aasiya
- Ms. Afshana
- Ms. Saba
Aims & Objectives
• Preparing the members of the club to face the challenges of life.
• Improving the physical condition of the members and keeping them fit for their routine activities.
• Creating the sense of responsibility, patience and tolerance in the members who can create the same in society in general.
• Enabling the trekkers to adjust themselves in new environment with unforeseen eventualities.
• Enhancing the skills of the members by learning different activities during their treks and the skill thus learned/developed can be applied in their day-to-day life.
• Giving members the opportunities to explore nature and be part of it.
• Educating the members about the purity of nature. They get the chance to see how pure and pollution-free the world has been created and how responsible man has been for not keeping it pure. With such knowledge the members realize their responsibility and would naturally do their utmost to keep the environment around them clean and teach others to do the same.
• Undertaking hard treks gives boost to the moral, and will-power of the trekkers which goes a long way in helping them face hard times of their life with patience and perseverance.
• Improving the verbal/linguistic, interpersonal, intra-personal, boldly kinesthetic and naturalist intelligence of the members.
The detailed report of the daily activities of the camp is as follows:
Date & Day: 02-06-2014 (Monday)
The participants left the school at 10:30 am in 4 buses along with the teachers and reached the destination at 12:30 pm. The rooms were allotted to the students and the staff. The accommodation was provided by the IISM, Gulmarg. The students arranged their lodging in the rooms and got fresh for the lunch which was served at 1:15 pm.
After the lunch, the students were assembled in the conference hall and were briefed about the rules and regulations of the camp. The students got ready for a light trek to Tiger Valley (Last Point) Trek at 2:30 pm. The students were very excited and enjoyed the trek though it was a difficult trek for such age group. The participants reached back to IISM at 5 pm. The students were allowed to rest for half an hour followed by the evening tea. After tea, the students prepared for the cultural programme which was to be performed in the conference hall of the institute. The cultural show started at 7:30 pm in which few students performed. The audience included the other students and the staff of IISM. The programme concluded at 8:30 pm. After a brief relaxation, the dinner was served to the students and staff at 8:45 pm. After dinner, the students were briefed about the next day’s programme and were let off to their respective rooms for sleep.
Date & Day: 03-06-2014 (Tuesday)
The students woke up early in the morning as already instructed and got ready for the day’s programme. The students were assembled in the lawn of IISM at 7:00 am for the morning assembly followed by the morning walk which concluded at 8:30 am. The breakfast was served immediately after morning walk. After the breakfast, the students moved to their rooms and got ready for the trekking to Khilanmarg Trek. The students equipped themselves with essential requirements needed for the trek and they were also provided the packed lunch. The participants left for the trekking at 10:00 am. It was a very difficult trek with elevated features and scenic beauty. The students were guided all along the trek by the staff and were also educated about the environment and its importance for the mankind. It was time for the lunch and the students enjoyed their packaged lunch in the midway of the trek. After lunch, the journey was continued till the participants reached the destination (Khilanmarg Glacier) at 3:00 pm. The students enjoyed there and played with the snow. The return journey was started at 3:30 pm through the same route. The participants reached the IISM at 6:00 pm. After a brief rest and evening tea, the students were assembled in the conference hall for the cultural programme. The chief guest of the programme was the principal of IISM, Mr. Col. J. S. Dennel. The programme was concluded by the speech of chief guest, who appreciated the programme and encouraged the students for such programmes. A fire camp was organized after the cultural programme followed by the dinner at 9:30 pm.
Date & Day: 04-06-2014 (Wednesday)
Inspite of the fact that the students were very much exhausted, but being enthusiastic they woke up early in the morning for the activities of the concluding day. The day started as usual with the morning assembly, morning walk and the breakfast.
After breakfast, the students went to the KANCHENJUNGA MUSEUM where they were informed about the various adventure sports and the tools and equipments needed for the same. After exploring the museum, the students were taken to the amusement park where they enjoyed the swings, slides, sea-saws etc. The students were very excited and were not willing to leave for the backward journey to their homes. The students were again assembled at 2:00 pm and were taken to the IISM for lunch. After lunch, the students were instructed for packaging their belongings and prepare for the return journey. It is worth to mention here that the staff of IISM appreciated the students for their overall discipline and cleanliness. The participants were arranged and boarded in the buses at 5:00 pm and reached the school at 7:00 pm.
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