Our strategy to tackle pandemic
One day, King Akbar called all his nine gems (Navratanas) including me to his court. Te king looked extremely worried. He said that people in the kingdom are dying of some mysterious disease.
Firstly, such types of deaths occurred in one of our neighbouring kingdoms and Now it HAS started spreading to all the other kingdoms including ours.
It has become a pandemic. King said that he has called all of us to the court today to frame a strategy to overcome the pandemic.
A renowned physician of the kingdom was called to the court who explained that this pandemic is due to spread of a novel corona virus in the world and that there is no preventive treatment for this disease.
King Akbar and all other looked perturbed .I requested king not to panic. We will think together and soon come out with a strategy to tackle this pandemic on war-footing.
Everyone agreed to this. King said, “Oh Birbal! please do something, I don’t want my people to die like this.”
We thought deeply over the matter and found that it is like fighting a war with an invisible enemy. We need to carefully chart out the strategy to emerge victorious. We decide to impose a lockdown of three months and not allow people to come out of their houses in order to STOP further spread of this disease.
The people who show symptoms and their contacts should be isolated and provided treatment to cure the symptoms. I suggested that all the people of the kingdom should be provided all the essential items like food, medicines etc at their doorsteps so they don’t feel need to come out of their homes.
King agreed and ordered that people should not be allowed to come out of their homes and all their needs should be looked after till further orders.