The school organised Sports Day for grade 6th and 8th
Continuing with its efforts of providing a healthy non-scholastic atmosphere to our dear students, Delhi Public School organised Sports Day for grade 6th and 8th on 5th November, 2022. The day was solemnized with the motif of bringing qualities like team work, cooperation and leadership among our students. Post covid world has witnessed a lot of curtailment of cocurricular activities among children and their confinement within the four walls of their homes. The school felt the need to bring back the same fervor towards the sports among our students and this year, the event was solely organised with the broader vision of providing a different recreational world to our children aiming not only at their education but also their physical and mental well being thereby enabling them to recognise their physical potential and to strengthen their abilities. Students excitedly performed and their efforts and team work was very evident in every performance.
The programme started around 10:30 am and continued till 2:00 pm with lots of praiseworthy performances to offer. Our worthy mentor, Mr. Vijay Dhar officially commenced the event by hoisting flag of the school. Torch lit by esteemed principal, Ms. Shafaq Afshan and pigeons released by Ms. Kiran Dhar symbolically highlighted the principles of coherence, liberty, spirit and peace. The event was carried forward with soulful and heartfelt prayer by our dear children. It was pleasure to watch Thang Tha students performing with great exuberance. Their dexterity in handling swords and rods was unmatchable. Be it relay, 100 M, 200 M or hurdle race every participant ran to the best of his/her capability. The commendable aspect of those races was a sense of healthy competition displayed by all the racers. Nothing can be more encouraging for our racers than a felicitation by our worthy mentors, Mr. Vijay Dhar, Ms. Kiran Dhar, Ms. Shafaq Afshan and other esteemed personalities for their hardwork. Since this event was organised as per the houses, so felicitation was done by house masters and mistresses as well. In order to cheer up our audience further, our students also added colours and liveliness by some fillers. Foot-tapping of fillers on melodious bollywood tunes and banghra beats elevated a great sense of enthusiasm even among audience. Performances likes mass PT, Dumb Bell and aerobics were feast for the eyes. They at the very forefront highlighted the praise worthy efforts and hardwork of all the participants in order to reach such levels of perfection. Formation of lotus and human pyramid by students of class 8th were icings on the cake. Commendable synchronization and adroitness was followed in every performance. The acts of breaking tiles with head and feet by blind folded martial art students left everyone speechless. Passing of students through fire ring need lots of courage and strong will and that was done with unparalleled perfection. The events of such sort should be organised more in order to bring the best from our children.
The very precious and encouraging words by our worthy and esteemed principal towards the end emboldened not only the participants but all the faculty members who put in their untiring efforts to make this day outstandingly successful and a memorable one. The efforts of our staff members in preparing our children for the day, in organizing everything in a smooth manner and in giving their best is really commendable. DPS, Srinagar congratulates every person who was behind this day and making this day another milestone in our journey of excellence.